Jul 15, 2021 | SMLA | 2818 views
Potential 2021 Season Poll
Potential 2021 Season Poll
There is a possibility we can have a shortened 2021 LAX season here in Strathroy. Unfortunately there will be no traditional season anywhere in the Province. Many associations have already cancelled there 2021 season. If there is interest, SMLA would like to offer some sort of season for the sake of our kids who have sat idle for far too long.
SMLA would like to potentially offer a 6 week season starting the week of August 2nd through to the week of September 6th at the West Middlesex Memorial Center.
- Each week would consist of a Tuesday night practice and a Thursday night inter-squad/rec game with a referee. (Teams picked by your coaching staff.)
-There is a potential for some friendly matches with Wallaceburg as well.
- We would need coaches and volunteers at each age group to assist.
- The cost would be as low as possible - approximately $125 to $150 per player.
This season is completely dependent on interest. We realize many families already have summer plans or are playing other sports. So we have created a poll on our web site to help us gage interest. Please complete the poll as soon as possible by a) letting us know if you are interested and b) the age of your children. This is fairly time sensitive so please complete sooner than later.
The poll is located on the bottom left corner of our web site or via your mobile phones at strathroylacrosse.com. It will be closed by Tuesday, July 20th at midnight. This poll is important and will help us determine our season. Please share with anyone potentially interested in lacrosse.
We will be making a decision shortly after Tuesday whether or not to proceed with a shortened 2021 season.
Thank you for everyone's patience.