Permanent Player Contract (Strathroy Minor Lacrosse)

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Permanent Player Contracts

The Strathroy Minor Lacrosse Association (SMLA) takes pride in fostering a strong sense of responsibility and teamwork among our players. To support this mission, we have implemented Permanent Player Contracts that outline behaviour expectations and commitments for all players.

Why We Use Permanent Player Contracts:

  1. Establishing Clear Expectations: The contract defines the standards of conduct required both on and off the floor, ensuring all players understand their responsibilities as representatives of SMLA.

  2. Encouraging Commitment: By signing the contract, players agree to uphold the values of dedication, sportsmanship, and teamwork throughout the season.

  3. Fostering Accountability: The contract provides a framework for addressing behavioural concerns in a fair and consistent manner, reinforcing the importance of mutual respect within our community.

  4. Promoting Growth: The guidelines outlined in the contract encourage players to develop valuable life skills, such as discipline, communication, and respect for others.

We believe these contracts are an essential tool in creating a positive and rewarding experience for all players and their families. Together, we can ensure a successful and enjoyable lacrosse season.

Access the Permanent Player Contracts HERE